North America Vision Cast Campaign



At, free resources, such as an illustrated children’s book, a comic book, prayer card, teaching videos and more, can be downloaded by participating churches. These resources help nurture children’s spiritual growth by teaching them how to pray and inviting them into God’s presence, and are being used powerfully to help bring transformation, discipleship, and evangelism to communities all around the world.

As we see God continue to move powerfully in children’s lives around the world however, we are also witnessing the tragic challenges and chaos of struggling communities right here in our nation…illustrating that the spiritual battle for our children is very real.

Right now in the world, there are an estimated two billion children who are under the age of fifteen…and almost 30 percent claim to be Christian. What would happen if we could disciple just a fraction 

of them…specifically the children and youth in some of our most challenging neighborhoods…to be released as messengers on mission within their own communities?

Psalm 8:2 declares, “Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have ordained praise to silence the enemy.” We know there is a spiritual war to steal, kill and destroy our children and youth. Now more than ever, they need to experience Christ’s love and hope if they are going to experience breakthrough into an understanding of their true purpose and identity.

As pastors and leaders, we already know the eternal impact we can have by simply teaching children to pray, nurturing their relationship with God and releasing them in mission. Our heart at the Prayer Covenant is to partner with local churches and ministries and offer a simple strategy that can help put our children on the prayer, care, and share journey.

The strategy is a path, grounded in ten unshakeable truths: grace, love, compassion, repentance, worship, repentance, dependence, influence, discipleship, and authority. As a result of this simple plan, millions of children around the world have already experienced Christ’s love and have committed to follow Him as missionaries in their own communities.

It would be our honor to help you…local churches, pastors and ministry leaders, and partner together to launch a strategic plan in your communities, to help reach our children through prayer and discipleship strategies, releasing them as partners in mission, giving them opportunities to use their God-given gifts to help transform their own communities. Please contact to start the conversation and learn more.

Become A Part Of The Movement

    For more information, please send us your contact information and someone from The Prayer Covenant will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!

    Making Disciples Among the Children and Youth of the Nations.

    Our passion is to help children and adults know and understand God’s love for them and to equip them to grow into a lifestyle of prayer and evangelism.

    Copyright © 2022 North America Vision Cast Campaign – All rights reserved.

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