The story we’re going to share with you today was first heard at a leadership conference in Surabaya Indonesia and subsequently asked her for permission to include it in the Prayer Covenant for women’s book and she agreed. It’s a story of how a young girl, growing up in China met the Lamb. This young girl is in her 50’s now and serving with her husband in Taiwan, overseeing NE and SE Asia (part of YWAM). They are also our Prayer Covenant leaders.
“I love the Lamb. I always have.
I can remember so clearly, the first day I saw him.
I was quite young…maybe six or seven. I was living with my grandmother in a small Chinese village where no one goes. I’m so thankful someone went.
He came from England, or so it was rumored among the village folk. My grandmother had heard he was in town…we ALL knew he was in town, as he would sing and dance in the streets to attract the children who would follow him. Where would they go? I had no idea, but Grandmother made it very clear, I was not to follow him…ever! “He’ll take you away and tell you strange stories about other lands and will take you from our gods. Don’t you ever go with him.”
Well, I did. I didn’t mean to, I dearly loved my grandma, but the temptation became too much for me that day while I was washing dishes. Grandma was sleeping, and I heard the sound. It was simple, it was subtle, and at first, I didn’t even realize it was him, but as he and his little followers passed near our house, I caught a glimpse of him. He was dancing and singing a song, inviting the children, the dirty, poor children to join him. He looked so odd with his pale complexion and reddish hair. He was the first foreigner I had ever seen, yet, he looked so friendly, so fun.
Curiosity got the best of me, and since grandma was taking her afternoon nap, I decided to go for it. I slipped out of the house and quickly ran to join the other kids parading after this intriguing figure.
Changing Life
He led us to a small little hut, where he had us sit down and spoke to us in his funny, broken Chinese. I was intrigued by his words. They were unlike any I had ever heard before. He spoke of things I had never heard in our temples, or by our priests and elders. He said two things that I would never forget and would change my life.