We received this beautiful testimony from one of our prayer covenant teenagers in the Dominican Republic. When I read it, it immediately brought to mind the chapter on love in I John 4. Beginning at verse 12: God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. Then skip to verse 16: And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in them. Jump to verse 18: There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Fullness of Joy
She writes:
My name is Juleisy. I am 15 years old. The love of God is a love without condition; it is infinite and relentless. Even if you want to run away, it pursues you. I don’t know how to explain it but it is like having your eyes blindfolded and then being able to see. You cease to be blind as it all becomes so clear. We as teenagers are always trying to run away; we are afraid we fall short and miss the mark for our parents, friends, teachers or even in our spiritual walk with Jesus. But God loves us so much and accepting Him into my heart has brought the fullness of joy—the emptiness is gone and I feel abundant energy. Love removes the blindfold. You stop being captive—you can fly, you can breathe, you experience the peace and freedom only Christ can give. The joy I feel no longer makes me want to cry or feel sad—rather I want to laugh and shout, LORD, I LOVE YOU!
The Power of Tetstimony
Juleisy’s testimony is a testimony to our response to Christ’s complete love – unconditional and sacrificial. We love because Christ first loved us. The fruit of being loved by Him is JOY—even in the midst of all the emotional upheavals that our young people face now more than ever, when they understand who they are as children of the living God. When they begin to comprehend His lavish love for them, any darkness turns to light and sorrow to joy.
The Prayer Covenant wants to encourage you as you minister to the young people in your life. We are here to serve you in any way. Please feel free to call, email us and visit our website for resources that will get them started on the prayer journey.