I’m always encouraged to hear teachers incorporating the Prayer Covenant into their class time. Gisela Osorio is a teacher in the Dominican Republic who shared with us her experience in teaching prayer to her students.
Lessons from The Prayer Covenant
I have 15 years in the education sector and have taught all subjects. I have graduated hundreds of students, but had never felt so much satisfaction in my performance as a teacher than the one experienced at the end of the Prayer Covenant lessons when a student surprised me and told me how happy she was to have received teaching on prayer because she could meet Jesus and learn how to pray. No student had ever thanked me for the knowledge of Social Studies, Literature, languages, chemistry, mathematics or any other subject before. Only the Prayer Covenant could unleash those feelings of gratitude in a girl with great socialization difficulties.
Today I realize that we need to serve our students with a mentorship to know God through prayer rather than simply the traditional teachings of an empty culture.
The Prayer Covenant in Private Schools
Ten private schools in that country are equipping their children with the Prayer Covenant resources to help develop and grow students into a lifestyle of prayer and discipleship. They attest that it is an essential subject to students as it is turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers as they intentionally pray for one another in covenantal prayer.
Prayer for students
Our national leader shared his prayer with us for his country and the world. He prayed, Father God we ask that your truth will continue to touch the heart of every teacher, father and pastor throughout the earth so that your people, reconciled and transformed, will teach sinners your ways and those who do not know you will run to you.
Can we agree and pray with and for these dear leaders in the Dominican Republic and beyond that Christ will be high and lifted up in our homes, our schools and our communities. That in all things He will have the preeminence and will receive the due reward for his suffering?
Lord Jesus, we want you to come quickly but we also want to be ready. We ask that you continue to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers for the sake of your kingdom and for the sake of the children. In Jesus name we pray Amen.