Today we continue where we left off; a testimony that so eloquently speaks into the authority of Jesus Christ.
Did I truly believe that Jesus is who He says He is? Do I really believe I am who He says I am?
The Authority of Jesus Christ
When I behold the glorious, sovereign God of the Universe who had me in mind before the creation of the world—the God who knitted me together in my mother’s womb, who spoke the very world into being, who always was, is and forever will be, who created every single star in the heavens and has named every one of them, who thunders when He speaks and rides the clouds as chariots, who came to the earth, taking on the form of a man for all of eternity in order to rescue me from every single sin I would ever commit centuries before I was even born—my mind reels with His magnitude. This God who walked as a man on the very earth I live on, who ate food, slept and came as an infant, weak and vulnerable, was the very picture of profound humility. This God, this man, died a brutal death at the hands of those He came to save! He was sinless, abandoned, beaten, naked and nailed to a cross of splintery wood. This Son of Man, whose last breath caused the veil between me and my Father God to be torn forever, allowed me a full and direct access to Him. When I behold this Man, I tremble. I weep in gratitude. And I recognize that by His Authority I will say “yes” every time. And in His authority, I will cast out demons, heal the sick and feed the poor. I will go. I will leave my home. I will leave my family. I will go to the ends of the earth declaring His goodness, His staggering kindness and the audacity of a God who left Heaven—Heaven!—to come to our rescue. I will go until everyone, everywhere, hears this marvelous and glorious news!
Giving Everything to God
When He called me, He asked that I give Him everything. His authority begs a response of total, absolute abandonment and surrender. And, His lovingkindness, His sacrifice, His beauty and His mercy ensure that He is worth it, and that when I lose my life to Him–in Him–I will actually find it (Matthew 10:39). He imparts His goodness to me. He gives me His authority. When I move in Him, by Him, through Him and for Him, He moves mountains and raises the dead. He fulfills every single promise and every desire of my heart—even those desires I never even knew I had.
When this Man calls, what answer could there possibly be than “YES! Oh, YES, my JESUS, YES!”