Today I’m sharing a testimony from a ten-year-old, a 5th grader but I believe many adults have the same fear of praying corporately. Even many of us in ministry can be intimidated when praying in front of a group of intercessors and while someone is praying you’re thinking about what you will say, which scripture passage you might pray through instead of realizing that the Holy Spirit desperately wants to pray His prayers in and through us. I love the way this young boy shared his angst.
Praying in Front of Others
He wrote, I am 10 years old and in Grade 5. Although I belong to a Christian family, I always felt that prayer is a challenging thing and praying in front of others very hard. Through the ”The prayer Covenant” book, which was taught in my Sunday school, I realized that prayer is just like talking with your friends & family. I started praying, Dear God fill me with your Holy Spirit so I can pray in front of others”. After few months I received strength from Lord and now because of this beautiful prayer book, I can pray loudly at my house, in my Sunday school and anywhere.
Praying Out Loud
Isn’t that wonderful. I understand this boy’s anxiety over praying out loud. Sadly, most adults have this stigma. It is why it is so critically important that we teach young children to pray. It is never too early because when you do, it becomes a habit. They grow in confidence in prayer as they pray for themselves and others.
One way to overcome fear of praying aloud is simply by praying through Scripture. Find your favorite passage, maybe you have committed it to memory, and begin praying through each line. Another way is to start out praying through the names of God or his attributes. Thank you that you are Jehova Tsidkinu, The Lord our righteousness. Thank you, Jehovah Rohi, thank you for being our Shepherd, for leading me beside still waters. Thank you that you are Jehovah Jirah our provider, providing for our every need. Thank you that you are Jehovah Rapha, our healer. Thank you that you are the God who can heal our diseases.
There are amazing books available on prayer by the great prayer warriors. E.M. Mounds is one of my favorite authors. The Valley of Vision is another treasure, a beautiful compilation of Puritan prayers.
As with everything, practice makes perfect. The more we are in the habit of praying for one another, offering gifts of prayers, the easier it becomes.
Remember as Paul wrote to pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests, with this in mind, be alert and always be praying for all the Lord’s people.