Our story comes from Togo West Africa from our continent leader there. A young man named Joseph contacted our office after he saw The Prayer Covenant evangelism card. Joseph ask where he could receive additional cards and that is when we learned the rest of the story.
The Prayer Covenant Evangelism Cards
One of our LQE leaders with a heart for evangelism knew Joseph and shared 500 of The Prayer Covenant evangelism cards with him. With cards in hand, Joseph saw upwards of 100 individuals give their heart to Christ over a period of six weeks of outreach.
Our Prayer Covenant office then provided Joseph with Prayer Covenant training and an additional 3,000 cards. Joseph’s church was so encouraged they even contributed to the printing of the Prayer Covenant evangelism cards to be used throughout Africa!
Young people who become passionate about prayer become passionate about serving Jesus. We see this over and over again. When you disciple children in prayer, they are excited about their faith and want to share it with everyone they meet. Imagine what could happen throughout Canada and the United States if churches recognized the potential in their young people to help lead outreach ministries in their communities. How might God use them, grow their church, add to their numbers and become part of a movement?
Every Home for Christ based in Colorado Springs designed beautiful Prayer Covenant Lost Sheep engagers which are available through The Prayer Covenant ministry or outreach.com. You can order them in packets of 500 free of charge. They are gorgeous, full color 8-sided gospel tracts that equip children to effectively share their faith with others. If you go to theprayercovenant.org, sign up for our monthly newsletter, and request the Lost sheep engagers, we will be happy to send your church a free pack of 500 of these gospel flyers for children free of charge.
In Matthew 18 we read God is not willing that a single little one should perish. We want to reach every child with the good news of the gospel and disciple them in prayer. The prayer covenant prayer is written on these tracts as well.
We are so thankful to our readers, for your prayers and financial support. You make this work possible. Praying that as you Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, and poured into your lap as written in Luke 6.