President & CEO

Candy L. Marballi

President & CEO

‘Out of the mouths of Children…’ – Why teach our kids how to pray?
Our children are in a battle for their lives. Satan, the master of deception, is devouring them and the question is what we should be doing as the Church to equip them to face this enemy.

We war not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness. It is why we must be more committed than ever to insure our children put on the whole armor of God so that they may be equipped to stand against the devil and not just stand, but to stand firm, clothed in his righteousness and dressed in His armor then we read in verse 16 to pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests to be alert and always be praying. Pray that whenever I speak words may be given me that I may fearlessly make known the Gospe…

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In 2010, I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Jerry Kirk speak on the Lordship of Christ and the Prayer Covenant and how it had impacted his life and ministry. My husband and I along with hundreds of others entered that Sunday morning into a prayer covenant with Jerry. It was life changing. We began praying this Christ-centered prayer every day and experiencing the power from it.

Three years later, in my prayer time, I asked God what He wanted me to teach the upcoming Children’s Choir at Hope Church (I was the Children’s Choir Director at the time). He gave me a clear vision of a children’s prayer card. I called Jerry and asked if we could put this prayer into simple language that would speak to a child’s heart and so began the Prayer Covenant for Children. He asked me to assemble a team of educators that would work alongside his team. A few months later, we had a children’s prayer card. I was asked to write a book for children that included a curriculum that would take parents and teachers through its ten themes.

We launched, The Power of the Prayer Covenant for Kids at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference in New York City, October 2014 at Promise Ministries. I was invited to share about the ministry with a large group of African delegates. Shortly thereafter, the book won GOLD for Education by Illumination Book Awards in a National Press Release. By November 2014, I began receiving requests from international leaders to translate and use the children’s Prayer Covenant resources within their ministries.

The children’s Prayer Covenant has been an adventure of a lifetime. I have seen and experienced God’s provision and faithfulness first-hand on a daily basis. The ministry continues to be an unfolding miracle. It affirms God’s heart for children across the globe. It affirms His unconditional love and desire to hear from them daily. And it has affirmed the words in Proverbs 16:9, Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.

Paul wrote in II Corinthians 9:8, God is able to make all grace abound towards you so that in all things, at all times, having all you need you will abound in every good work. Initially I never thought the prayer cards would be used outside our church let alone around the world. What began with a vision for 50 children, God has turned into millions of children on 5 continents, and we believe this is only the beginning. He has given us a vision to reach every child globally with this simple prayer tool. By His grace and help we believe it is only a matter of time.

Working interdenominationally, through existing Kingdom-focused churches and networks is critical and effective in meeting this goal. The global church is uniting, rising up and seeing the importance of discipling children and engaging them in ministry so they understand their purpose: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Children around the world are learning what it means to spend time with Jesus every day. They are growing strong in their faith as they commit to love God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength and discover what it means to love others as themselves: compassionately and sacrificially.

One of the greatest faith-strengthening exercises for me has been the power of answered prayer. The Children’s Prayer Covenant is empowering children around the world as they not only experience answer to prayer but discover what it means to walk with Jesus, to experience His presence, His power and His unconditional love. I believe with all my heart that if we want to raise a generation of faithful Jesus followers and disciple makers we must model this for our children and youth. If every one of us are committed to daily living out the Great Commission and the Great Commandments, every child will come to experience the hope and love of Jesus. May His grace continue to abound towards us all so that in all things, at all times, having all we need, together, united, we will continue to abound in every good work for His glory and for His kingdom.

The Prayer covenant prayer

Dr. Jerry R. Kirk
Founder of The Prayer Covenant

Jerry has spent the last 52 years speaking about the Prayer Covenant and praying with people in a variety of covenants all over the world. He has spoken on the Prayer Covenant at Montreath, the home of Billy Graham. He has spoken around the country and in dozens of churches.

Jerry has been in over 9000 individual prayer covenants. His own life has been profoundly changed and formed by prayers of those people praying for him. Jerry has been in Prayer Covenants with members of his own family and seen three subsequent generations transformed by it.

View and explore both “The Prayer Covenant” and “The Prayer Covenant for Children” below. Use both of these versions in your ministries.

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