Making disciples among the children and youth of the nations.



Executive Committee Board Chair
New Albany, OH

Vik Marballi retired from New Balance Athletics Inc., based in Boston, Massachusetts, where he was Vice President, Global Quality Assurance. Previous to this, Vik worked for The Procter & Gamble Company as Global Director, Paper Division. Vik earned a B.S.M.E. from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India and a M.S.M.E. from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. He now serves as Chairman of the Board of The Prayer Covenant. He resides in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, Candy Marballi, of 39 years.


Executive Committee President
New Albany, OH

Since 2018, Candy Marballi serves as President & CEO of The Prayer Covenant whose mission is making disciples among the children and youth of the nations. She focuses on relationship building, networking, and influencing global ministry leaders to raise awareness and resources for equipping and empowering children to be on mission with God through prayer and evangelism. She has served in children’s ministries for over 30 years in the United States, Japan and the Philippines. Her newest book, He Hears Her Voice, (The Prayer Covenant for Women), will be released by Hachette in the Spring of 2022. She serves on the International Prayer Council, the Global Leadership Group of the 3rd B, Finishing the Task, and on the boards of The Great Commission Coalition, Go Movement, and the Prayer Covenant.

She authored, The Power of the Prayer Covenant for Children, which was launched at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference at Promise Ministries, NYC, in October 2014. The book was awarded GOLD for Education by Illumination Book Awards for 2015 and is presently being used to disciple, transform and evangelize children and youth in 71 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Middle East. Over 8 million children and youth have been reached with this prayer tool.

She is a wife of 39 years to Vik Marballi and they have two married children. They reside in New Albany, Ohio


Executive Committee Board Treasurer

Born 19th October 1947 London UK
After five year Apprenticeship as a lettering artist with Tomas De La Rue
Peter traveled around the world working in graphics and advertising.
In Vancouver November 1973 he landed in Vancouver Canada: took out his Canadian Citizenship in 1976 and worked in graphic design. In 1982 Peter went to California. All alone and desperate, Peter opened to Ezekiel 36:25-27 and gave his life to Jesus, in tears.
He attended Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, later being baptized.
Peter and his wife returned to Vancouver in 1986.
He joined a national sign company as salesman.
Peter starting his own sign company in 2006 – current; Peter Friend Corp. Web site Peterfriend.ca
He attend Christian Life Assembly POAC church past 20 years as a lay prayer supporter, and has a prayer covenant with pastor Derrick. Expanded TPC to the Children’s Pastor Jenni across 1100 POAC churches in Canada. Formed TPC Ministries Canada and started a TPC radio programme with Candy called “Teach Us to Pray”. Peter and his wife Joyce, have been happily married for 39 years have three Married Daughters and four grandchildren with two great grandchildren.


Executive Committee Board Secretary
Charlotte, NC

Bill graduated from Davidson College with a BS in Economics. He has achieved success as both an entrepreneur and a corporate executive within the Financial and Medical Services Industries. He began his career with Procter and Gamble and became the youngest National Sales/Marketing Manager in Procter and Gamble’s history. Bill has been involved with the founding of several companies and served as President for many of those organizations – Shipley Enterprises, Inc., Incon-Therapy, American Direct Response Corporation, Cordura Marketing Inc., National Liberty Marketing, and Baker, Rakich, Shipley and Politzer, Inc. Bill and his late wife, Peggy, were married for 61 years. He has four children, eight grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.


Board Member
Tuscaloosa, AL

Bill is a graduate of The University of Alabama with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance, majoring in Real Estate and has been working in the Real Estate industry since 1973. Bill has been a Board Member of JH Everlasting Adventures since 1995. With his leadership skills, JH Ranch was able to take their Ranch experience to the local level and JH Outback held its first weekend event in Tuscaloosa in 2000. His passion to transform cities one family at a time has helped the growth of Outback expand across the US and around the world. Since 2016 he has also been actively involved with Jerry Kirk and The Prayer Covenant helping adults and children know and understand God’s love for them. In his free time, Bill enjoys spending time fishing with his grandsons and playing golf. He and his wife, Sherri, live in Tuscaloosa, AL and have 2 adult children and 2 grandsons.


Board Member
Loveland, OH

Dan was born in Buffalo, NY and raised in Atlanta, GA. Growing up in a family of faith, Dan invited Jesus into his life at age 7. Dan graduated from Asbury University in Kentucky and spent two years on the music faculty at Vennard College in Iowa, and then moved to Ohio for a master’s degree at the University of Cincinnati. During that time Dan attended College Hill Presbyterian Church under the ministry of Jerry Kirk. There he met and married Julie, and they remained in Cincinnati to work and raise their family of two children. Dan has served as a volunteer at various churches in music and worship, and also as an elder. He has worked in various media positions at Time Warner Cable and WCPO-TV. In 1998, Dan began building a financial advisory practice at Smith Barney, and later at Morgan Stanley. Today, Dan and son Jonathan work together as a financial advisor team at Wells Fargo Advisors in Cincinnati. Dan and Julie have 7 grandchildren and are thankful for God’s mercy and grace in their lives.


Board Member
Grove City, Ohio

Rachel Williamson has spent 30 years in retail most recently as the Vice President of Store Operations, North America for a multi-billion dollar retailer. She is the Founder and President of Running Great Stores, a boutique Retail Consulting Firm focused on guiding direct to consumer brands on their journey to operating in the brick and mortar space. Beyond her passion for retail, she is also passionate about children’s ministry and has spent two decades leading sunday school programs.

Rachel and her husband Vic reside in Grove City, Ohio with their two Scottish Terriers. They have one grown daughter.


Board Member
Cincinnati, OH

Ford Taylor is a leadership solutions trainer, strategist and speaker. With a primary emphasis on the people that serve an organization while simultaneously maintaining a clear focus of the business or organization itself, Ford shares straight-forward practical solutions through authentic leadership training and individualized leadership consulting. With an empathetic intelligence derived from decades of experience with an array of people, personalities and companies both large and small, Ford helps to both define and navigate leadership in the business culture of today. He is the founder of FSH Strategy Consultants and Transformational Leadership. He is the author of Relactional Leadership and directs a charitable international effort to provide Transformational Leadership to emerging countries worldwide. Ford is married to Sandra and they have three daughters–Whitney, Emily, and Quincy.


Board Member
Loveland, OH

Julie was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH. Growing up in a family of faith, she invited Jesus into her life at age 5. In high school she toured with the Young Folk singing group at College Hill Presbyterian Church. Julie graduated from Miami University in Music Education and taught at Lincoln Elementary in Hamilton, OH. She married Dan Weber and together they raised a family of faith with two children, Jennifer and Jonathan. Later, Julie spent 10 years on the music faculty of Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy. Today she is active in leading “Rooted”, a bible study for young mothers at Montgomery Community Church. Julie and Dan have 7 grandchildren and are thankful for God’s mercy and grace in their lives.


Board Member
Lowell, MA

Raffoul Najem was born in Beirut, Lebanon and was saved in 1971 through a Foursquare Church missionary. He is a graduate of Life Bible College, Class of ’74. He immigrated to the United States in 1976 and was ordained by Middle East Gospel Outreach Ministries in 1980 and by Faith Christian Fellowship International in 1994. In 1982, he co-founded Community Christian Fellowship, one church in eight locations. Rev. Najem is the co-founder and administrator of Community Christian Academy, providing families with a solid Christian education. Rev. Najem also co-founded the Citywide Church of Greater Lowell–a movement of unity and solidarity for churches in the area. As a visionary, he has traveled to the nations proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God for the past 40 years. Having an apostolic calling, he is a mentor and a father to pastors and Christian leaders across the globe who seek to transform and influence the world with the message of the Kingdom of God. He moves under the authority and power of the Holy Spirit with a message that is practical, relevant, and life changing. He is the father of three adult children and a proud grandfather.


Board Member
Mumbai, India

Shekhar Kallianpur comes from a staunch Saraswat Brahmin family.

He has been preaching the Gospel for over 40 years with Signs, Wonders and Miracles. His credentials are: (a) Former Chairman of New Life Fellowship Association Mumbai, India; (b) Founder/President of Shekinah Global Ministries involved in Television; (c) Founder/President of Project Aashray catering to needs of 120 Widows and 300 orphans providing monthly Ration, Education, Counseling and Medical Assistance, (d) Founder/President of ‘Friends of Israel’ which reaches out with rations to poor Jewish families and also supports them through financial donations to facilitate their return to Israel. Thousands of Jews have been helped in making Aliyah.

He is the Senior Pastor of New Life International Church with a vision to:
– win One Billion souls and train 10 million laborers to reap the harvest and to raise up a Billion Home Altars.

Has initiated the #4AM Dawn Worship Challenge which encourages people to pray for their City, their beloved Nation, Israel and the Nations of the World.
Has authored two books: “You Are Born Natural To Walk Supernaturally” and “Wedding Is For A Day Marriage Is For Life.”

Married for 33 years to Lavina and blessed with a daughter, a son and a grandson.


Board Member
Mumbai, India

Is the Senior Co-Pastor, New Life International Church Vice-President of Project Aashray catering to needs of 120 Widows and 300 orphans providing monthly Ration, Education, Counseling and Medical Assistance. sponsored Orphan Children to an English Medium School at Panchgani.

A Prophetic Intercessor and has a City Pastors wives Network for Prayer and Intercession.

Prophetic Teacher and Passionate Preacher of God’s word for last 32 years
Has co-authored a book with her husband Shekhar: Wedding Is For A Day Marriage Is For Life.

Co-Founder/Vice President of ‘Friends of Israel’ which reaches out with rations to poor Jewish families and also supports them through financial donations to facilitate their return to Israel. Thousands of Jews have been helped in making Aliyah.

Married for 33 years to Shekhar and blessed with a daughter, a son and a grandson.


Candy L. Marballi

President and CEO

In 2010, I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Jerry Kirk speak on the Lordship of Christ and the Prayer Covenant and how it had impacted his life and ministry. My husband and I along with hundreds of others entered that Sunday morning into a prayer covenant with Jerry. It was life changing. We began praying this Christ-centered prayer every day and experiencing the power from it.

Three years later, in my prayer time, I asked God what He wanted me to teach the upcoming Children’s Choir at Hope Church (I was the Children’s Choir Director at the time). He gave me a clear vision of a children’s prayer card. I called Jerry and asked if we could put this prayer into simple language that would speak to a child’s heart and so began the Prayer Covenant for Children. He asked me to assemble a team of educators that would work alongside his team. A few months later, we had a children’s prayer card. I was asked to write a book for children that included a curriculum that would take parents and teachers through its ten themes.

We launched, The Power of the Prayer Covenant for Kids at the 4/14 Best Practices Conference in New York City, October 2014 at Promise Ministries. I was invited to share about the ministry with a large group of African delegates. Shortly thereafter, the book won GOLD for Education by Illumination Book Awards in a National Press Release. By November 2014, I began receiving requests from international leaders to translate and use the children’s Prayer Covenant resources within their ministries.

The children’s Prayer Covenant has been an adventure of a lifetime. I have seen and experienced God’s provision and faithfulness first-hand on a daily basis. The ministry continues to be an unfolding miracle. It affirms God’s heart for children across the globe. It affirms His unconditional love and desire to hear from them daily. And it has affirmed the words in Proverbs 16:9, Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.

Paul wrote in II Corinthians 9:8, God is able to make all grace abound towards you so that in all things, at all times, having all you need you will abound in every good work. Initially I never thought the prayer cards would be used outside our church let alone around the world. What began with a vision for 50 children, God has turned into millions of children on 5 continents, and we believe this is only the beginning. He has given us a vision to reach every child globally with this simple prayer tool. By His grace and help we believe it is only a matter of time.

Working interdenominationally, through existing Kingdom-focused churches and networks is critical and effective in meeting this goal. The global church is uniting, rising up and seeing the importance of discipling children and engaging them in ministry so they understand their purpose: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Children around the world are learning what it means to spend time with Jesus every day. They are growing strong in their faith as they commit to love God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength and discover what it means to love others as themselves: compassionately and sacrificially.

One of the greatest faith-strengthening exercises for me has been the power of answered prayer. The Children’s Prayer Covenant is empowering children around the world as they not only experience answer to prayer but discover what it means to walk with Jesus, to experience His presence, His power and His unconditional love. I believe with all my heart that if we want to raise a generation of faithful Jesus followers and disciple makers we must model this for our children and youth. If every one of us are committed to daily living out the Great Commission and the Great Commandments, every child will come to experience the hope and love of Jesus. May His grace continue to abound towards us all so that in all things, at all times, having all we need, together, united, we will continue to abound in every good work for His glory and for His kingdom.

“The Prayer Covenant invites us to raise a new generation of worshippers and intercessors around the world.”

– LUIS BUSH, International Facilitator, TWC, Servant, Transform World 2020, 4/14 Movement


“This elegantly simple concept has transformed to lives of many of the members (of our church) and has been part of the foundation for multiple ministries arising out of the church.”


“When Jerry explained to me the Prayer Covenant relationships that he has developed with hundreds of other individuals, I better understood the source of his energy and enthusiasm in service of God’s people.”

– ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN, Archdiocese of Kansas City

“As chairman of the Global Prayer initiative for Convoy of Hope, I have seen the results of prayer…I believe the Prayer Covenant is vital for those who are followers of Jesus Christ, especially at this time in the history of America.”

– DR. THOMAS E. TRASK, Global Prayer Initiative

“As a pastor I continue to enter into the Prayer Covenant with people and I have seen God use it powerfully in the lives of many of the hundreds of people I have entered into it with over the years!”

– BILL CRAIG, Pastor for Spiritual Direction, Hope Church

“The Prayer Covenant that Jerry Kirk advocates is a wonderfully inspirational and supportive guide that encourages Christians to enter a new and deepened level of prayer. We need that!”

– RANDALL A. BACH, President, Open Bible Churches

“My life has been personally impacted by the Prayer Covenant, and I believe that the Prayer Covenant will be used powerfully in the lives of God’s people throughout our country.”



Jerry Kirk first heard of the Prayer Covenant in the summer of 1967. He was riding in a car with Don Reyberg, a Pittsburgh business leader. They were on their way to a state church leader’s meeting and were supposed to speak on evangelism.

Jerry asked what the Lord had been doing lately in Don’s life. Don had recently heard the final sermon of an Episcopal minister, Dr. Sam Shoemaker. The message was called Get changed, Get together, and Get going, and it had changed Don’s life.

After this sermon, Don had met with a number of men in “employment anonymous”. Over a period of 18 months, Don worked with other believers to lead men to Jesus as their Lord, and to encourage them together to seek the Lord. There were lots of answered prayers and amazing stories of more than 350 men finding work and the Lord in this time! Jerry had never heard anyone with this quantity and quality of stories!

Don asked Jerry to enter into a 30 day prayer covenant with him. It was an amazing experience! Everyone Jerry met wanted to be in a prayer covenant! Just like Don, stories of changed lives erupted all around Jerry.

One example was a woman who came to Jerry worried that she was in danger of losing her marriage. They entered into a prayer covenant together. Later as the covenant continued, she came to Jerry saying she could not pray the prayer. Jerry asked why and she said because she was having an affair! Jerry asked if her honesty was due to the prayer, and it was! Now she truly was ready to pray the prayer, and years later she visited Jerry to share the story of their marriage being healed!

Jerry has spent the last 51 years speaking about the Prayer Covenant and praying with people in a variety of covenants all over the world. He has spoken on the Prayer Covenant at Montreath, the home of Billy Graham. He has spoken around the country and in dozens of churches.

Jerry has been in over 9000 individual prayer covenants. His own life has been profoundly changed and formed by prayers of those people praying for him. Jerry has been in Prayer Covenants with members of his own family and seen three subsequent generations transformed through it.

The Prayer Covenant transforms lives because it is a process and a prayer anchored in the Scriptures and is in direct obedience to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We pray this movement will spread and result in an awakening to Jesus Christ as Lord, for his Kingdom and his glory!

The Prayer covenant prayer

Dr. Jerry R. Kirk
Founder of The Prayer Covenant

Jerry has spent the last 52 years speaking about the Prayer Covenant and praying with people in a variety of covenants all over the world. He has spoken on the Prayer Covenant at Montreath, the home of Billy Graham. He has spoken around the country and in dozens of churches.

Jerry has been in over 9000 individual prayer covenants. His own life has been profoundly changed and formed by prayers of those people praying for him. Jerry has been in Prayer Covenants with members of his own family and seen three subsequent generations transformed by it.

View and explore both “The Prayer Covenant” and “The Prayer Covenant for Children” below. Use both of these versions in your ministries.



I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

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