Today we conclude our time on the Prayer Covenant theme of Discipleship.
Previously we were reading from John 4 where Jesus ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well who gave him water. At verse 25 the woman affirms what Jesus spoke and responds, I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.
The Messiah Reveals Himself
Jesus responded, I, the one speaking to you—I am he.
Imagine her astonishment! This was no ordinary Jewish man; this was the Messiah Himself!
Jesus ministered to women with understanding, compassion and tenderness. The Church has at times, both past and present, treated those who need a physician, those for whom Jesus died, with judgment and reproach. When she answered honestly that she had five husbands, Jesus did not condemn or belittle her; He did not cast her aside and say, “You’re a sinner, I can’t associate with you.” He met her where she was. He treated her with dignity. When she responded honestly, He commended her for speaking the truth.
Meeting at The Well
Call of Discipleship
And although she was an outcast, simply fetching her daily water when others were not around, Jesus didn’t look down on her. He looked into her heart and into her very soul. He knew she craved more than physical water. She craved hope. She craved love. She craved acceptance. She craved peace and the spiritual life-giving water that only the Messiah could give. Those few minutes at the well filled her soul with inexplicable joy and caused her to immediately tell others what she just experienced. She became a witness.
We’ve all been called to be witnesses. We all have a story to share. We must pray for opportunity and boldness in sharing Christ’s love with those we meet each day.
Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts full of praise and thanksgiving for your grace and goodness. Thank you for your eternal promises to those who believe. Thank you for your great and overwhelming love for us. We ask that your perfect love flow through us. Use each one on this broadcast for your glory and to boldly share your message of love with those they meet. Guard us from distractions, guide our steps and give each one of us words to speak of your unfailing kindness and gift of hope. We ask that every boy, girl, man and woman will have an opportunity to hear the story of Jesus, and to receive your gift of eternal life and be forever changed. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.