• The Prayer Covenant

    The Prayer Covenant in Togo, West Africa

    Our story comes from Togo West Africa from our continent leader there. A young man named Joseph contacted our office after he saw The Prayer Covenant evangelism card. Joseph ask where he could receive additional cards and that is when...

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  • Dependence on Christ

    Dependence on Christ

    We continue today with the Prayer Covenant theme of Dependence on Christ. Dependence on Christ Paul writes in Ephesians, Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with...

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  • Discipleship Resources

    Prayer Covenant for Children

    Cincinnati Mission Team Brings the Kids Prayer Covenant to the Children’s Center in Kenya. The Prayer Covenant equips churches and ministries in North America and throughout the world with resources that disciple children and adults in prayer and evangelism. Today’s...

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