• The Lost Sheep

    The Lost Sheep That Is Found

    From another restricted nation this 13-year-old boy shared the following testimony: "My life was like a lost sheep. I lost interest in my studies and was keeping company with bad kids in my school. I became careless. I started cheated...

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  • worship

    The Importance of Worship

    The next unshakeable topic in the prayer covenant Worship, which follows repentance. When Jesus washes us clean, our response is praise. Praise for all he has done on our behalf, praise that we can walk in newness of life, praise...

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  • The compassion of Christ

    The Power of God’s Love

    Psalm 103 is a favorite passage to preface today’s story. It begins, “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins...

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  • Believe In Jesus Christ As My Savior and Lord

    Believe in Jesus Christ as The Savior and Lord

    Today’s story comes from a restricted country in Asia. We are unable to name for the safety of our leaders there. But we are delighted and thrilled to see what God is doing as the ministry of the Prayer Covenant...

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