• Pray Together as a Family

    Incorporate Regular Prayer Into Your Life

    Isn’t it a joy to be able to meet with Jesus before our day begins or ends and even in between? Prayer is a lifestyle and a heavenly blessing inviting each one of us to pray anytime any place, anywhere...

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  • The Good Shepherd

    The Good Shepherd

    Recently we read through Psalm 23, a passage of comfort and reassurance that our Heavenly Father is the good shepherd. A spotlight seemed to shine on the words, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” The poignant imagery of...

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  • Prayer for Help

    Story of Neha

    Acts 16:31 is an all—too familiar verse for many of us but remains as powerful today as it was when Paul spoke the words to the prison guard after he asked what he must do to be saved. Paul’s reply:...

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