• Commitment

    Commitment to Prayer, Jesus, and God

    One of the ten unshakeable truths of the prayer covenant is Commitment. Paul’s passage found in I Corinthians 9:24 provides a great analogy. It reads, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one...

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  • testimony of the whole world

    Your Testimony To The Whole World Is…

    In John 13:35 Jesus said, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Compassion flows from love. And when you love like Jesus, it becomes a testimony to the whole world. Show Compassion...

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  • Last Quarter Evangelism

    The Impact of Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE)

    Today our story comes from the nation of Ghana. The Youth President of the Baptist Youth Convention for Ghana shared the following. Last Quarter Evangelism in Ghana I want to thank God for the Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE) initiative. It...

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  • bravest of the disciples

    The Story of Peter

    Today we spend a few minutes on Peter who was of course in Jesus’ inner circle with James and John. His name always appears first when listing the disciples, yet we know Peter was far from perfect. The Story of...

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  • Journey of Prayer

    How to Begin a Journey of Prayer

    Prayer is a muscle that needs exercised and strengthened. The more you pray, the more you will want to pray, and the more you will experience the power of prayer. The Prayer Covenant may be one tool God uses to...

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  • Commitment

    The Meaning of Commitment

    Commitment is defined in the dictionary as an intentional or deliberate action. Commitment is not for the faint of heart, as yesterday’s story illustrated. You must want it with all your heart and soul. It is a desperate kind of...

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