
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Gentleness and patience

    Compassion: The Teachings of Jesus

    As we continue with compassion, we see Jesus often moved with compassion. He taught about it and demonstrated it throughout His ministry on earth. One stunning example is found in John 8:3-11, which reads: The teachers of the law and...

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  • forgiveness is grace

    Forgiving Those Who Have Hurt Us

    Today we continue with the theme of repentance. Yesterday we spoke about the ability to forgive those who have wronged us. We must ask ourselves, “Are we able to love God enough to forgive those that have hurt us, just...

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  • repentance

    The Importance of Forgiveness

    We have been talking through the fourth unshakeable or theme in the prayer covenant, repentance and the importance of forgiveness and how the two are integrally linked. Traumatic Events and Forgiveness Our family went through a terribly painful and traumatic...

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  • Commitment to Jesus

    The Resurrection of Jesus

    Commitment to Jesus We previously shared from John 20 when Mary Magdalene visited the tomb of the resurrected Jesus; not recognizing who He was until he said her name, “Mary.” Then immediately she cries, “Rabboni” meaning teacher and receives the...

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  • Dependance on Christ Dependance on Chris

    Testimony of Dependance on Christ

    Our society is riddled with all kinds of addictions like alcohol, drugs, sex or money. The sad reality is that human society is dependent on these behaviors that seek to fill a void within. Satan’s three-fold agenda is to seek,...

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  • Remove term: Testimony of Commitment Testimony of Commitment

    A Testimony of Commitment

    Today we delve into the theme of commitment in the Prayer Covenant. A Testimony from a Follower of Jesus This is the personal testimony of a dear friend, co-laborer, full committed and sold-out follower of Jesus who happens to also...

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  • Commitment

    The Meaning of Commitment

    Commitment is defined in the dictionary as an intentional or deliberate action. Commitment is not for the faint of heart, as yesterday’s story illustrated. You must want it with all your heart and soul. It is a desperate kind of...

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  • worship

    The Importance of Worship

    The next unshakeable topic in the prayer covenant Worship, which follows repentance. When Jesus washes us clean, our response is praise. Praise for all he has done on our behalf, praise that we can walk in newness of life, praise...

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  • Praise with Worship

    Combining Praise with Worship

    We continue with our theme of Worship. After praying to ask Jesus to wash us clean from every sin, it is only natural that our response is that of praise with worship. There are times in our lives where it...

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