
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • God’s Authority

    The Power of God’s Authority

    Today we begin sharing on the tenth and final unshakeable truth of of the Prayer Covenant which is Authority. What Is God's Authority? What does the word “authority” conjure up in your mind when you think of God? • How...

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  • Authority of Jesus Christ

    A Testimony for The Authority of Jesus Christ

    Today we continue where we left off; a testimony that so eloquently speaks into the authority of Jesus Christ. Did I truly believe that Jesus is who He says He is? Do I really believe I am who He says...

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  • prayer covenant theme

    The 10th Prayer Covenant Theme

    We continue today with the tenth and final Prayer Covenant theme from the prayer covenant for women, Authority. Jesus Heals Jesus often demonstrated His authority over sickness and disease when He healed the afflicted. The book of Mark, chapter 5,...

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  • omnipresence

    God’s Authority and Omnipresence

    We have been speaking about Authority. Psalm 139 speaks of God’s authority in a personal way to its readers—His omniscience and omnipresence. Our Creator, the all-powerful, all-knowing God of the universe, knows us intimately, better than we know ourselves because...

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  • The Emptiness of the Comparison

    The Comparison to Others

    Inwardly and silently, we are slaves to the world and its changing expectations, demands and norms. Comparing Ourselves to Others How often do you walk into a room full of friends or people from school and start to compare yourself?...

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  • Begin Your Day With The Prayer Covenant

    It is always a blessing, at whatever age, to begin your day praying the prayer covenant, asking God to help you receive His lavish love and amazing grace. Reminding yourself that it is nothing you have done to earn His...

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  • The Prayer Covenant for Teens Prayer Card

    We just completed the prayer covenant for teens prayer card. It reads, Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace that has made me one of your dearly loved children. Prayer Card for Teens Help me love you with my...

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  • Journey of Prayer

    How to Begin a Journey of Prayer

    Prayer is a muscle that needs exercised and strengthened. The more you pray, the more you will want to pray, and the more you will experience the power of prayer. The Prayer Covenant may be one tool God uses to...

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  • Ten Unshakeable Truths

    Ten Unshakeable Truths of The Prayer Covenant

    The Prayer Covenant is a tool that God is using in sixty-nine countries around the world. It started when one man was challenged to make Jesus the Lord of his life every single day and simply pray the prayer over...

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