
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Ten Themes

    The Ten Themes of The Prayer Covenant

    Together we have walked through the ten themes of the prayer covenant in prior recordings. The Discipleship line of the prayer reads, Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you. When children pray that prayer from...

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  • Revealing Love

    The Revealing Love of God

    My name is Eden Irfan and I am 12 years old. My father works in a factory and earns very low. Our life is hard and very challenging. I always thought that God didn’t love us, that I was not...

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  • Prayer Covenant

    The Impact of The Prayer Covenant in South Asia

    From a restricted nation in South Asia, a Sunday school teacher shared, The Prayer Covenant in South Asia I have been teaching children in Sunday school for last 4 years. I have found a huge change in kids while teaching...

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  • The Lost Sheep

    The Lost Sheep That Is Found

    From another restricted nation this 13-year-old boy shared the following testimony: "My life was like a lost sheep. I lost interest in my studies and was keeping company with bad kids in my school. I became careless. I started cheated...

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  • prayer

    The Simplicity of Prayer for Children

    Today I’m sharing a testimony from a ten-year-old, a 5th grader but I believe many adults have the same fear of praying corporately. Even many of us in ministry can be intimidated when praying in front of a group of...

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  • Teach Us To Pray

    Lord…Teach Us To Pray

    Luke 11 verse 1 reads, One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray...” The disciples wanted to model themselves after Jesus and Jesus spent...

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  • Focus on Prayer

    Mentoring Children With a Focus on Prayer

    For twelve years I served as a Children’s Choir director at our church while living in Japan many years ago and then upon returning to the USA. I loved teaching worship, whole life worship, to children and found them up...

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  • bravest of the disciples

    The Story of Peter

    Today we spend a few minutes on Peter who was of course in Jesus’ inner circle with James and John. His name always appears first when listing the disciples, yet we know Peter was far from perfect. The Story of...

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  • Prayer Covenant in Kazakhstan

    The Prayer Covenant in Kazakhstan

    We are thrilled to announce Kazakhstan as the 70th country where The Prayer Covenant is being used among children and youth. We praise God for the amazing King’s Kids International (KKI) leaders, Yura and Margo Kim. After receiving the Prayer...

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