
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Testimonies from South Asia

    Believer Testimonies from South Asia

    Today’s testimony is from South Asia. Believer Testimonies from South Asia Our leaders shared, M is a boy from a family of non-believers. His father used to drink a lot and not go to work. Because of this he and...

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  • Sunday School

    The Calming Effect of Sunday School on Children

    Again, we find ourselves in a country in South Asia. A girl joined Sunday school several months ago. She was scared to join as her mom is unmarried. The Coach or teacher found her very shy and nervous. She would...

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  • Love Must Be Sincere

    The Best Way To Begin Your Day

    As you begin your day, ask that Christ’s love rule and reign in your heart, and for His love to guide your words, thoughts and actions. Love Must Be Sincere Love must be sincere. Paul writes in Romans 12, Hate...

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  • Fear is Love

    Don’t Feel Afraid

    Do you ever feel afraid? Fearful of what others think of you? Fearful about your past? Fearful of what the future may hold? The Bible tells us that there is no fear in love. John writes in I John 4:18,...

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  • Grace is a gift

    Meet Jesus Each Day

    We read in Mark 1:35, Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. It takes discipline to meet Jesus each day, a...

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  • The Grace of God

    The Grace of God as Described by Paul

    Paul, author of 13 books in the New Testament, understood the grace of God intimately. Before becoming a Jesus follower, we know he was a persecutor of the Christians in Jerusalem. His hatred and brutality were known far and wide....

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  • Prayer is life-giving

    Pastor Testimonial from South Asia

    From South Asia, this pastor writes, “I have been serving as a pastor now for eight years. On one of my regular visits to one of the villages where I minister, I took time to visit a Sunday school class...

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  • Sharing God’s Love

    A Perfect Example of Sharing God’s Love

    As you begin your prayer time, focus specifically on asking God to help you love as He loves. Ask Him for opportunities to share His love with others. Spend some time in silence just listening for what God may be...

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  • testimony of the whole world

    Your Testimony To The Whole World Is…

    In John 13:35 Jesus said, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Compassion flows from love. And when you love like Jesus, it becomes a testimony to the whole world. Show Compassion...

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