
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Prayer and Scripture

    Begin Your Day With Prayer and Scripture

    It is always great to begin your day with prayer and Scripture. It enriches your time with Jesus—talking to Him, learning from Him and listening for what He might be telling you. If you like music, include that in your...

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  • Pray Together as a Family

    Incorporate Regular Prayer Into Your Life

    Isn’t it a joy to be able to meet with Jesus before our day begins or ends and even in between? Prayer is a lifestyle and a heavenly blessing inviting each one of us to pray anytime any place, anywhere...

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  • The Prayer Covenant

    What Is The Prayer Covenant Lifestyle?

    A prayer covenant lifestyle is one of accountability--committing to pray the prayer covenant not only for yourself but for others, agreeing on a number of days - most often 30 or 40. Following Jesus together is both rich and rewarding,...

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  • Love With Prayer

    Fall In Love With Prayer

    Fall in love with prayer, then God’s love will fill you and overflow into love and compassion for others. Be devoted to prayer, constant in prayer, faithful in prayer. God draws near to those who draw near to Him (James...

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  • Forgiveness

    Stories of Seeking and Giving Forgiveness

    In the book Soul Keeping, Ortberg wrote, “In order to make your prayer more profitable, it would be well from the beginning to picture yourself as a poor, naked, miserable wretch, perishing of hunger, who knows but one man of...

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  • God Fulfills

    When God Fulfills HIS Purpose for Us

    The crux of the Prayer Covenant is “Jesus, I choose to follow you as my Lord. Change me any way you want.” It is the hardest of all the lines to pray because we are intentionally relinquishing control, trusting in...

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  • Commitment

    Commitment to Prayer, Jesus, and God

    One of the ten unshakeable truths of the prayer covenant is Commitment. Paul’s passage found in I Corinthians 9:24 provides a great analogy. It reads, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one...

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  • Follow Jesus

    What Does God Want You To Do?

    To truly know who you are, you need to know Whose you are. Peter eloquently wrote, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who...

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