
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Prayer Covenant

    Themes of The Prayer Covenant for Women

    The prayer covenant is woven around ten themes: Grace, Love, Compassion, Repentance, Worship, Commitment, Dependence, Influence and Authority. It all begins with Grace. Grace is unmerited; we do not deserve it. We are unworthy to receive it and that’s what...

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  • Prayer agreement for women

    The Prayer Covenant for Women

    Prayer Agreement for Women The past couple of days we have been introducing our newest resource, The Prayer Covenant for Women. If you call our 800 number, visit our website and fill out the contact form to receive our monthly...

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  • Prayer for children

    Children All Over The World Are Praying

    I was recently on a call with the Director of prayer at the American Bible Society and was so inspired by a quote she shared form a book entitled, The Torch and the Sword. When she read it to me,...

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  • Turning to Prayer

    Turning to a Lifestyle of Prayer

    “When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks...

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  • The Good Shepherd

    The Good Shepherd

    Recently we read through Psalm 23, a passage of comfort and reassurance that our Heavenly Father is the good shepherd. A spotlight seemed to shine on the words, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” The poignant imagery of...

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  • Compassion and Mercy

    Storytelling from Jesus

    Jesus loved telling stories and understood the power of a good story. He drew crowds and captivated audiences. When he walked this earth, He wanted those who listened to engage their senses; to use their imagination. Richard Foster, author of...

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  • love your enemies

    Love: Sacrificial and Unconditional

    When we think of the ultimate example of sacrificial and unconditional love, we see the sinless Jesus dying in our place so that we might have life. John 3:16 John 3:16 is said to be one of the most read...

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  • love our foes

    Loving Your Enemies

    As we continue on the theme of Love, in particular, loving our enemies, one of the ten unshakeables of the Prayer Covenant I’m reminded of I Peter 2:21 which reads, To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you,...

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  • Exercising Compassion

    Exercising Compassion: A True Story

    I was deeply moved reading this testimony from a graduate student whose family is a Prayer Covenant partner. God has given her a special place in her heart for veterans, desiring to improve their lives. This is her account of...

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