We are humbled and amazed at what God is doing around the world when people are taught to pray. Below are reports, testimonies, photos, and videos showing a little bit of what God is doing through The Prayer Covenant. Please feel free to share these stories and visions with your family, friends, and church.

latest ministry reports


2023 Highlights | February 2024

All Things New!

As we look back at the past year, we see how our ministry work increasingly requires a certain sense of urgency. We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunities to bring the Good News, and we invite you, as you glimpse God’s incredible work in 2023, to prayerfully consider helping us do more, before the night comes.


2022 Highlights

All Things New!

At the Prayer Covenant, children are our passion, and we know they play an important role in God’s Kingdom. As you read through this 2022 summary report, our prayer is that you will be inspired to help us continue to make a difference in the lives of so many children globally.


2021 Highlights | February 2022

All Things New!

There is so much to rejoice about as we look back on 2021. Despite the challenges and chaos we see around us, our God continues to move in mighty ways in the lives of thousands of children around the world through The Prayer Covenant.

Global Children’s Task Force

Children Praying for Ukrane

Online Training Events

live launch event with Hand-in-Hand Ministries in Malaysia.

The Prayer Covenant can provide personalized training for your ministry. Simply contact us.



“Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”
– Psalm 8:2 (NIV)

We had a fast-paced, 30-minute virtual event on September 5th, 2021, as we traveled around the world seeing and hearing what God is doing through the ministry of The Prayer Covenant. The campaign has generated over $125,000 already! We are so thankful!

Social Media

Connecting with cpg KIDS

God has connected The Prayer Covenant for Children with cpgKIDS. Our resources are now on their website. Candy even did a Facebook live with cpgKIDS. Check it out with the links below.

Facebook Live Event: Teaching Kids to Pray

cpg KIDS Website

ministry reports


2020 Highlights | February 2021

All Things New!

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

As 2020 has come to a close, we celebrate many firsts. We praise God that in 7 years, 70 nations and 7 million persons have been impacted with the Prayer Covenant resources.

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2020 Highlights | January 2021

This is a summary report of how God is blessing and growing the Prayer Covenant ministry in North America. I believe you will be encouraged and blessed. Your continued partnership makes this possible. There is such an amazing opportunity for kingdom investments.  As you read through this, our prayer is that you will share this report with other like-minded Kingdom-focused investors wanting to impact the United States for Jesus Christ. With additional funds, the Prayer Covenant can continue its national reach and investment in prayer and discipleship.

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2019 Highlights

God is at work throughout the world in reaching children and raising up warriors in prayer. Over two million children were reached and were started on the path to live a lifestyle of prayer. Throughout this past year, your support has been instrumental in achieving fruit in more than 50 countries across the globe. Throughout Africa, Asia, India, Pakistan, the Latin World, the Middle East and the U.S.A., your support has allowed for:

  • 16,567 indigenous leaders to be trained
  • 2,016,580+ children discipled
  • 189,000+ faith commitments from children
  • 1,803,900+ prayer covenant for kids cards distributed
  • 563,775+ prayer covenant for kids booklets distributed
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Nationwide Ministry Networking relationships and Trainings

Attending major conferences in the USA has resulted in partnerships with these ministries: Child Evangelism Fellowship (Dallas), Saturate NY Metro, Every Home for Christ, GACX (Global Alliance of Church Multiplication), Global Outreach Day, Go2020 (USA), Love 2020 (Colorado) and March for Jesus (Ohio).

  • 10 trainings in USA
  • Approximately 375 leaders trained
  • Over 83,000 children and parents impacted with The Prayer Covenant
  • Prayer Covenant resources being used in 32 States in the U.S.A.
  • Anticipating over 1 million reached in 2020!!
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The Prayer Covenant is an equipping ministry providing pastors, teachers and leaders with resources that teach children and youth how to pray.

The Prayer Covenant for Children is a prayer that daily imprints the gospel on a child’s heart. It teaches children the importance of praying Christ-centered prayers and praying for others in covenantal prayer. The Prayer Covenant nurtures a child’s relationship with their Heavenly Father while it strengthens and grows their prayer life. It helps children understand the value Jesus has placed on them and challenges them to daily live out the Great Commission and the Great Commandments. It is making disciples of children who are making disciples of those around them.

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Go2020 40 Day Calendar of Prayer for Children

Use this Go2020 40 day calendar of prayer for children to go deeper in your understanding of God’s character in your personal devotional live.

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Mission Partner News

Teacher Gisela Osorio:

I have 15 years in the educational sector. I have taught all the subjects. I have graduated hundreds of students. But I had never felt so much satisfaction in my performance than the one I experienced at the end of the day of The Prayer Covenant when a student surprised me by telling me how happy she felt to have received the prayer subject so she could meet Jesus and learn to pray. No other student had ever thanked me for the knowledge of Social Studies, Literature, Languages, Chemistry, Mathematics or any other subject—only The Prayer Covenant could unleash those feelings of gratitude in a girl with great socialization difficulties. Today, I realize that we need to serve our students with mentorship to know God through prayer, rather than the traditional teachings about an empty culture and no future.

Prayer Covenant Allies

Christian schools are doing Go2020 training. Ten private schools are being equipped to develop The Prayer Covenant with their students and each student’s family. 2020 will become the glorious close of outreach, rescue, discipleship, and sending.

Isabel Del Rosario

I have no doubt that the instruction of the children radically affects their attitude towards God. My eldest daughter had begun her last school year. She got so involved in school activities and commitments that she neglected her spiritual life. One morning, I woke up, and upon seeing her, I noticed that she was crying. She told me that she had not been able to fall asleep, and she felt a lot of pressure for all the commitments at school. I invited her to pray. We thanked God for healing her, and then she made The Prayer Commitment, making the decision to invite her classmates to take the steps of the ten lessons with the prayer model. That was the end of her sleepless nights! Now she begins all her school encounters with The Prayer Commitment, and her friends enjoy “popcorn” praying for each other.

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