
The Prayer Covenant has articles for all ages!

  • Africa Baptist Fellowship

    All Africa Baptist Fellowship Update

    On October 1st, a God-sized outreach began with The Prayer Covenant Africa in partnership with All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship. There are close to 50,000 Baptist churches under the All Africa Baptist Fellowship umbrella. Together they are mobilizing one million...

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  • the prayer covenant for children

    African Schools Using The Prayer Covenant

    Throughout 30 nations in Africa, the prayer covenant for children is being used. Many schools have adopted the curriculum and use the prayer as their daily school prayer. Many churches have been using the curriculum for years in their Sunday...

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  • Christian Missions in Africa

    A Prayer for Christian Missions in Africa

    Christian Missions in Africa Today we find ourselves on the African continent in a country where Christians endure religious persecution. He writes, “We are faced with many challenges on a daily basis. I did not go there at first thinking...

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  • Prayer for students

    Teachers Who Use The Prayer Covenant

    I’m always encouraged to hear teachers incorporating the Prayer Covenant into their class time. Gisela Osorio is a teacher in the Dominican Republic who shared with us her experience in teaching prayer to her students. Lessons from The Prayer Covenant...

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  • Fullness of joy

    Testimony from the Dominican Republic

    We received this beautiful testimony from one of our prayer covenant teenagers in the Dominican Republic. When I read it, it immediately brought to mind the chapter on love in I John 4. Beginning at verse 12: God lives in...

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  • Campus Crusade

    Campus Crusade for Christ in Southeast Asia

    We have extraordinary leaders in SE Asia. Carol and Ricky Magno lead prayer for Campus Crusade for Christ for that region. I had the opportunity to meet her at a conference with ministry leaders from around the world. During a...

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  • Glory be to God

    Story from Chad About The Prayer Covenant

    Today’s story comes from Chad, one of the largest landlocked countries in the world, located in Central Africa. Glory Be To God Our sister writes, in Chad there are many churches even though we are a Muslim country. Glory be...

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  • children gospel

    The Gospel Reaching Children in Africa: Senegal

    Our story today comes from a country in Africa that is 93% Muslim and clearly demonstrates the importance of reaching children with the gospel message and making them a priority like Jesus did. Missionaries in Senegal He said that during...

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  • every stage of life

    Psalms for Every Stage of Life

    The Psalms have been my go-to in every stage of life. Many find great comfort, encouragement and wisdom within each chapter. I’ve read through the 150 chapters countless times and each time have discovered new insights and nuggets of profound...

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